Making Business Travel Seamless – Role of Travel Itineraries
A travel itinerary is one of the most important aspect of a journey, particularly in a business trip. It includes everything needed to make the trip complete, and includes things such as reservations, destinations, flight, train and taxi bookings, seat bookings to...
Proactive Support: Simplifying the Business Travel Experience
In a survey conducted recently among business travelers, we found that close to 75% out of the 600 plus respondents were keen on being informed well ahead about incidents that could disrupt their journey. This testifies to the fact that business travel is not...
Travel Documents: Knowing What To Carry On A Trip
Travel is exciting, even when it is for the purpose of business. There is hardly anybody who does not like to roam the world, but in reality, the experience is not always seamless. International and domestic travel come with a number of stringent rules and...